Blessed are the Misfits
Brant Hansen
Thomas Nelson 2017
Brant Hansen is an American radio host, author and has a diagnosis of Asperger’s Syndrome (ASD). He confesses that he has never "felt" God's presence and often lacks the emotional highs other believers experience, but he knows that God is good and there is a place for us, even when we don't feel it.
This book is honest, funny, heart-breaking and hopeful. Brant vulnerably shares and challenges us ‘misfits’ to think about what “the blessed life” really is and how it happens. Jesus values the underdog. He knows what it is like to be misunderstood. Our very weaknesses are what glorify God.
“… Jesus went up on a mountainside, and He sat down with His odd assortment of followers, and He told them what the kingdom of God was really like, and it didn’t look at all like what they expected. It was way better. It included them.”